Peptide Bioregulators and Renal Disease

Peptide Bioregulators – What Are They & What Do They Do?

Peptide bioregulators are relatively unheard of here in the West.

Why, you ask?

This is because Russia has patent protection on its work in this area of health, and its research is pretty closed off to the Western world.

So, why are we interested in bioregulators?

Peptide bioregulators work locally within tissues to help regulate various physiological processes, and they are system-specific. Peptide bioregulators are believed to restore balance and optimize function in an organ system, offering therapeutic benefits for various health concerns. Bioregulators have been shown to have potential benefits for cellular health and regeneration. They may activate genes for cellular regeneration, acting as cellular mediators to regulate gene expression and protein synthesis.

The Russian’s Secret Age Reversal, Anti-Aging Weapon (

Aging is associated with accumulated cell damage, a decline in biological function and susceptibility to disease occurrence. Aging may lead to age-related diseases (ARD), for example, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease (AD), cardiovascular disease (CVD), metabolic syndrome, obesity, fatty liver, CKD and many other chronic diseases. ARDs bring a heavy burden to families and society; they seriously impact the quality of life and shorten lifespan. This is why research in the area of aging is so important and where peptide bioregulators may come into play.

peptides and kidney disease

History of bioregulators

The bioregulator peptide journey began in the 1980s with Professor Vladimir Khavinson, a medical Colonel in the Soviet army, who took on research to address the health concerns of troops. The Kremlin was concerned about the new American weapons, and they needed solutions that would protect and maintain their troop’s health and reverse various health conditions. Due to their jobs, some of the men were already showing signs of premature aging, so what Professor Khavinson was developing was an antiaging medicine. Traditional peptides used have a history from all around the world. Meanwhile, peptide regulators are exclusive to the boundaries of Russia. All peptide regulators are patented in the Russian Federation, Europe and the USA. There are more than 200 patents.

Now, we need to be aware that 99% of the published research comes directly from Khavinson himself or a close associate. That’s not to say great work hasn’t been done; it would just be good to see more independent clinical trials to supplement their research.

Peptide Bioregulators: What Are They and What Do They Do? (

What are peptides?

Peptides are short chains of amino acids; amino acids are the building blocks of protein. When amino acids link together in a specific sequence, they form peptides. Peptides are smaller than proteins, ranging in length from a few amino acids to around 50 amino acids. In comparison, proteins are generally larger, consisting of hundreds or even thousands of amino acids. Peptides perform many important functions in the human body, including cell communication, metabolism and tissue repair.

Essentially, you can think of amino acids as individual Lego pieces and proteins as intricate Lego structures built by stacking these bricks in a specific order. Think of peptides as smaller, simpler Lego creations made out of just a handful of carefully chosen bricks. They are like the smaller parts of a larger Lego set that serve specific functions, but they are still vital for the overall construction and operation of the set.

Food Sources of peptides

Peptides can be found in plant and animal sources of protein;

  •   Eggs
  •   Milk
  •   Meat
  •   Fish and shellfish
  •   Beans and lentils
  •   Soya beans
  •   Oats
  •   Flaxseed
  •   Hemp seeds
  •   Wheat
 Technical language used;

Peptide: A molecule formed by the linking together of two or more amino acids (up to 50).

Polypeptide: A string of more than 50 amino acids linked together

Protein: Two or more polypeptide chains linked together for a specific function.

Bioregulator: Chemical compounds produced by cells in one part of an organism that regulates biological processes within an organism.

Peptide Bioregulators: What Are They and What Do They Do? (

What are peptide bioregulators?

The idea behind peptide bioregulators is that they can help regulate and support the functions of specific organs or systems in the body. For example, peptide bioregulators target the cardiovascular system, nervous system, digestive system, kidneys and so on. For example, if you have a condition relating to the kidneys, you will use the kidney bioregulator and so on.

Kidney Bioregulators for Kidney Disease

Image via How to produce bioactive peptide with an enzyme? – Enzymes – Angelyeast

Peptide bioregulators perform a variety of functions in the body.

Regulation of cellular processes 

They act as signalling molecules to help regulate cellular processes, such as growth, proliferation and metabolism. They influence cellular function and behaviour by communicating specific instructions.

Tissue repair and regeneration

Bioregulators stimulate the growth and differentiation of cells involved in the process of tissue maintenance. They help heal injuries and restore damaged tissue.

Modulation of the immune system

Some peptide bioregulators can modulate the immune system’s response, supporting immune function and enhancing the body’s ability to defend against pathogens and foreign invaders. They support the immune system, preventing excessive inflammation and immune dysfunction.

Anti-aging effects

Peptide bioregulators are also used for their potential anti-aging effects. The main mechanisms of skin aging involve the decrease of antioxidants in the skin, inflammation and the degradation of collagen.

Support for recovery and performance

Athletes and those seeking to enhance recovery and performance may use peptide bioregulators to support muscle repair, energy production and recovery after exercise.

Exogenous Bioactive Peptides Have a Potential Therapeutic Role in Delaying Aging in Rodent Models – PMC (

Now, you may ask…How do you use peptide bioregulators?


Peptide bioregulators and kidney health- How you would treat

You would use the Kidney Bioregulator to support the kidneys as a base supplement. This extract helps to normalise kidney function in cases of gout nephropathy. It may help with urolithiasis disease, renal failure and chronic pyelonephritis.

Kidney Bioregulator (Pielotax) – UAE Peptides

Kidney Bioregulator (Nature’s Marvels™) – Profound Health (

The table below helps to explain how you would treat disease and what you could use to support organ/system health with bioregulators.

Renal disease and bioregulators

Source What are Bioregulators? – UAE Peptides

Cardiovascular Disease & Bioregulators

Now, if the driver of kidney disease were due to cardiovascular disease, you would want to look at Vesugen. Vesugen has been found to protect the vascular system from the effects of aging by reducing the development of atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular disorders, particularly in older individuals.

Thymalin is another bioregulator that has been shown to benefit patients suffering from inflammatory kidney disease glomerulonephritis. Research has also indicated that Thymalin may prevent and reverse heart disease by affecting the lymphocytes responsible for removing plaque from the walls of arteries.

Research has shown that Vilon changes the expression of more than 36 different genes in the heart, and combined with Epithalon (described below), it jumps to 144 genes. Findings suggest that Vilon has the ability to alter gene expression patterns in the cardiovascular system, which may improve function.

All of these bioregulators support cardiovascular health.

Studies of the effects of Vilon and Epithalon on gene expression in mouse heart using DNA-microarray technology – PubMed (

[Effect of thymalin on the development of experimental hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis] – PubMed (

In addition to the above, if diabetes or insulin resistance is a driver, Vesugen has also been shown to activate sirtuin 1, which plays an important role in insulin sensitivity. Sirtuin 1 has also been found to impact the activity of PGC1-alpha and EER-alpha complex, these proteins are important regulators of the metabolic pathway, which helps to reduce the development of metabolic syndrome.

Buy Vesugen | 99% Purity (USA Made) | Peptide Sciences

[Epigenetic aspects of peptidergic regulation of vascular endothelial cell proliferation during aging] – PubMed (



Peptide Bioregulators and Blood Vessel Health

Maintaining good vascular health is essential for good circulation, which delivers oxygen and nutrients to tissues and removes waste products from the body. Bioregulators influence vascular health in the following ways;

Blood pressure regulation

Peptide bioregulators regulate blood pressure by promoting vasodilation.

Endothelial function

The endothelium is the inner lining of blood vessels. 

Bioregulators influence endothelial health and function by promoting the production of nitric oxide, which helps to relax blood vessel walls and regulate blood flow.


Chronic inflammation can damage blood vessel walls, contributing to the development of CVD. Peptide bioregulators help to reduce inflammation and protect vascular health.

Antioxidant protection

Oxidative stress can cause damage to blood vessels and accelerate the progression of disease. Bioregulators with antioxidant properties help neutralize free radicals, protecting blood vessels from oxidative damage.

Promote circulation

Peptide bioregulators can enhance blood flow and circulation by improving the flexibility and elasticity of blood vessels.


Peptide Bioregulators and Renal Disease
Peptide Bioregulators and Renal Disease

Diabetes & Bioregulators

If diabetes is part of the symptom picture, you may want to use the Kidney Bioregulator, with Vesugen, Pancragen (pancreas support) and Livagen (liver support). Pancragen has been shown to help control blood sugar, reduce the incidence of metabolic syndrome and improve endocrine function.

Pancragen 20mg (Bioregulator) (

Immune system & Bioregulators

If you wanted to support the immune system as well. You would look at Epithalon. Research has shown, in rats, Epithalon boosts the expression of interferon-gamma in aging lymphocytes. Interferon-gamma is important in fighting off viral infections, through the activation of macrophages, natural killer cells and T cells.

Epithalon (Epitalon) 50mg | 99% Purity (USA Made) | Peptide Sciences

There is just so much to write about on peptide bioregulators! Research efforts need to be continued to develop strategies for the treatment and support of ARDs. More information in this area would also be wonderful moving forward, and it would be good to see more independent clinical trials added to their research.

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